A SysY Compiler
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An open source compiler for the SysY language. Developed from the 2022 Huawei Bisheng Cup entries. Note that this is the interface documentation inside the project. The project address is https://github.com/RaVincentHuang/Diana.
- Zixiao Huang From the School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology. Maintainer of the Diana project, contributing front-end and mid-end code for Diana. huang.nosp@m.zixi.nosp@m.aopaz.nosp@m.@nud.nosp@m.t.edu.nosp@m..cn, https://github.com/RaVincentHuang
- Simin Xiong From the School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology. Developer of the Diana project, Contributed backend instruction selection and backend optimization for Diana.
- Ziran He From the School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology. Developer of the Diana project, Contributed backend register allocation for Diana.
- Zihao Li From the School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology. Developer of the Diana project, Contributed backend register allocation for Diana. Contributed Diana's automated test scripts.
- Refactor the compiler frontend.
- Refactor the compiler backend.